It’s been awhile…and some big news

It’s been so long since I last posted, but it’s been an incredibly busy couple of months!

First, we bought a house! We’ve been waiting for years to be in a position to buy our dream house, and we’ve finally done it. I’m so excited to decorate and personalize this new space of ours and I hope to document the process with all of you. I’ve already made some progress making our new home feel inviting with a wreath, a new doormat, and some mums to welcome our visitors!

Front Door_Fall

I also spent some time to really clean it up, and that has made all of the difference! Sometimes all you need to make a space beautiful is to tidy it up.

Another big announcement: I’ve been invited to be a co-author for an upcoming anthology. I’m so excited about this opportunity and I’ll be sure to post more details soon!

I’m also ramping up the marketing on my business. If you’d like to check it out, visit me over at I’ve just created a new logo and website. It’s a nice way for my creativity to really spill over into my work.

So what have you been up to since we last chatted?

Plunging in…

“…from now on, whenever you want to find out about something, plunge straight in.”

~Paulo Coelho (Brida)

“Fifty years from now when you’re looking back on your life, don’t you want to say you had the guts to get in the car?”

~Transformers (movie)


I’ve been wanting to learn about blogging for sometime now, and I guess there is no better time than the present.

I’m planning on this being a place where we can discuss creative ideas, projects…

I love writing, reading, decorating, design and look forward to working with you on loads of new projects. Maybe I’ll get really brave at some point and try some baking…but let’s not get a head of ourselves!

I’m not claiming to be an expert in anything creative, but I want to learn…


“The cure for boredom is curiosity. There is no cure for curiosity.” -Dorothy Parker

“If you’re going to be passionate about something, be passionate about learning.” –Daniel Golston